Chicagoland Photographer | Fun times at the Lake County Fair
That one time we went to the Fair...
A week or two before school starts the Lake Country Fair comes to Crown Point. Find out more info here. Since it's usually very crowded, we did our little photo shoot on preview day in the blazing afternoon sun.
Jessica, her friend Mia, Shannon, Victoria and Cassidy were troopers because its was hotter than hot outside.
The carnies were all in a good mood, offering rides and games for free. I think seeing these beauties really made their day.
One of the carnies was narrating everything we were doing through the microphone and making jokes. And the cotton candy was pretty awful, especially in 90 degree weather. But we didn't care...we had a lot to giggle about!
The carnies weren't the only ones excited we showed up. A bunch of boys probably couldn't believe their eyes...ha ha!
We kept running into the boys...
Lemonade anyone?
We all had a blast and made the most of it! Good Bye Summer - Hello Fall!